新データ・フォーマットRSD - huixingの日記

しらんかった。本家は http://dev.zeraweb.com/rsd-initial-announcement/ 。勝手に引用してごめんねだけど、

person {
  name { last: Yoder, first: Dan }
  title: Web Applications Architect
  degrees {
    degree {
      school: University Of Michigan
      certificate: [ BS, Computer Science ]
      year: 1989
  born: date( 8/29/1967 )
  objective: ---
I am looking for a challenging position with an 
innovative firm doing cutting edge Web apps in
beautiful Santa Monica, CA. ---
  email: 'dan@zeraweb.com'

css を rsd で書くとこうなるんだって

div.blog div.entry { 
  font { weight: bold, size: 10pt }
  click {
    binding: url( /blogs/my-blog )
    action: get, pre-load: true

  hover {
    action: hint
    tip: Click on any entry to view more detail.
