portage upgrade today :)


[ebuild     U ] dev-lang/python-2.4.2-r1 [2.4.2] USE="X berkdb gdbm ncurses readline ssl -bootstrap -build -doc -ipv6 -nocxx -tcltk -ucs2" 0 kB
[ebuild     U ] dev-python/pycrypto-2.0.1-r3 [2.0.1] USE="-bindist -gmp% -test%" 0 kB
[ebuild     U ] app-misc/pax-utils-0.1.8-r1 [0.1.7-r1] USE="-caps" 48 kB
[ebuild     U ] sys-apps/portage-2.1_pre4-r1 [2.1_pre4] USE="-build -doc" 0 kB
*** Portage will stop merging at this point and reload itself,
    recalculate dependencies, and complete the merge.
[ebuild     U ] sys-fs/udev-084 [081-r1] 186 kB
[ebuild  NS   ] sys-kernel/gentoo-sources-2.6.15-r2  USE="-build -doc -symlink" 196 kB
[ebuild     U ] media-sound/alsa-headers-1.0.11_rc3 [1.0.11_rc2] 2,261 kB
[ebuild     U ] media-libs/alsa-lib-1.0.11_rc3 [1.0.11_rc2] USE="-doc -jack" 686 kB
[ebuild     U ] sys-libs/timezone-data-2006a [2005r] 322 kB
[ebuild     U ] sys-devel/flex-2.5.31 [2.5.4a-r6] USE="-build -nls% -static" 871 kB
[ebuild     U ] dev-libs/libxml2-2.6.23-r1 [2.6.23] USE="python readline -debug -doc -ipv6 -test%" 0 kB
[ebuild     U ] x11-libs/gtk+-2.8.11 [2.8.10] USE="jpeg -debug -doc -tiff* -xinerama" 11,789 kB
[ebuild     U ] media-gfx/imagemagick- [] USE="X jpeg mpeg png truetype xml2 zlib -bzip2* -doc -fpx -graphviz -gs -jbig -lcms* -nocxx -perl -tiff* -wmf" 5,018 kB
[ebuild     U ] sys-devel/gdb-6.4-r2 [6.4-r1] USE="-nls -test -vanilla" 0 kB
[ebuild     U ] media-gfx/graphviz-2.6-r1 [2.6] USE="X -cairo -dynagraph -static -tcltk" 0 kB
[ebuild     U ] net-misc/openssh-4.2_p1-r1 [4.2_p1] USE="pam tcpd -X509 -chroot -hpn -ipv6 -kerberos -ldap -libedit -sftplogging -skey -smartcard -static" 0 kB
[ebuild     U ] sys-apps/busybox-1.1.0 [1.01] USE="-debug -floppyboot -make-symlinks -netboot -savedconfig -static" 1,375 kB
[ebuild     U ] app-editors/nano-1.3.10-r1 [1.3.10] USE="ncurses spell -build -debug -justify -minimal -nls -slang -unicode" 0 kB
[ebuild     U ] xfce-extra/xfce4-clipman-0.4.1-r2 [0.4.1-r1] USE="-debug" 0 kB
[ebuild     U ] media-sound/cdparanoia-3.9.8-r3 [3.9.8-r2] 17 kB
[ebuild     U ] media-sound/alsa-driver-1.0.11_rc3 [1.0.11_rc2] USE="oss -debug% -doc" 0 kB
[ebuild     U ] app-shells/tcsh-6.14-r3 [6.14-r2] USE="perl" 0 kB